Ski Day 11.29.06
The skiing was great, steep and deep....well not exactly, but how often to you get to ski in Capitol Forest?!!
We drove up C-8000 or rather death gripped the steering wheel through deep snow, ice and ruts and held on
until the yellow gate at The Peak (the original plan was to go up C-7000 but someone thought it would be
OK to drive an 18 wheeler up in the snow and ice, he made it about 100 yards up C-Line). Bob Kirchmier,
Heny Gertje and myself grabbed our randonee gear and headed for Capitol Forest. We skinned up to The
Peak  towers, skied down the old jeep road to #30 then across #30 to C-4000 and up the road to the Larch
mtn towers. We milked a few turns out of the clearing on the North shoulder of Larch and retraced our
tracks back to #30 and took it up to The Peak towers and down the recently logged shoulder next to the
road back to the car. When we got back to the car C-4000 was plowed and we easily drove out. There was
up to 3' or more in the snow drifts, average depth was around 2', with some wind crust and even  good
powder in spots. It was very windy in the exposed areas, and cold. It was like being in the mountains!!!!
We are already talking about a ski shuttle on Trail #30, depending on what happens with the weather in the
coming days. The skiing wouldn't be great, but sliding along our normal bike routes on skis is far out and
can rarely happen here....stay tuned for the next trip report. We've got video footage that is being edited and
will be posted soon to. Good times in Cap.!             
A ski trip isn't complete until someone cracks a cold
one that has a picture of snowy mountains on the can...